Monday, December 11, 2006


In my home, we speak English to one another. That's only natural, considering that we are all born and bred in the midwest and the extent of our foreign language skills don't extend beyond my limited high school and college Spanish (Donde esta el zappatoria?) and my husband's high school German. I am particularly focused on language right now, as my son, age two, is learning about language every day. He has shortcuts and hand signals that he uses in addition to the words he uses and most times, my husband and I can follow along with what he is saying. Watching him I realize that he isn't the only one who uses shortcuts or hand signals to get along his point. I have more carefully listened to the interactions between the adults in our household and realize that we have a language all our own, made up of in-jokes and pop culture references, memories that only exist within the walls of our home. I wonder how this will affect my son's language and I realize that he will have languages all of his own: language with family, language with friends, language at school or work. It isn't that we use different parts of ourselves in different situations; we even use different language, different words, different speech patterns consciously or unconsciously imitating those around us. And I feel confident that my son's speech will develop just fine. I look forward to hearing what he has to say next.

1 comment:

Brian in Real Life, Mojo on the Xbox said...

In our home, Ash and I have our own language also, and I have the language I speak to my brother: e.g. we answer the phone by calling each other by a different derogatory or slang name each time, such as "what's up focker?" might be followed by "hey beeeyotch".

Then there's my xbox language. "Pwned" means I either thoroughly beat you or you suck really bad, "no-scope" means I sniped you without zooming in so bow down before my twitch-reflex-prowess, and "bullshit" means the same in everyday language, we just use this term more often in a much louder and angrier tone.

And a fourth language the wife and I have with our dogs. This includes sounds, songs, words, etc., most of them made up. "Eh Eh" in a loud high pitch means you just got busted, now stop what you're doing. "Uh oh" means I just dropped some food on the floor, cleanup on aisle 4. "Potty" means humans move out of the way as the four dogs stampede to the basement door to go outside. We also have feeding time songs and potty songs, Ash's favorite being "my dogs like to potty all the time, potty all the time..."

The dogs also come up with name variations such as:

Jackson = action Jackson, Jackson Browne, Jackson Pollack, Big Jackson, and my favorite Big Pimp Big Playa' Big Balla'. (he's 100 pounds, but this one only works when I impersonate Jamie Foxx)

Owen = Owie Man, Pooper Man, Little Man, F*cking Spazz

Keely = Keely Girl, Keely fruit, Keely monster, Dingo Ate My Baby

Xander = Xander Man, X Man, Triple X, Scruffy Man, Xander Harris