Saturday, May 31, 2008

Let Me Entertain You

Finally, a chance to sit and update the blog. Things are moving right along in the Barefoot universe, now that it is actually warm enough up here in the tundra to walk around barefoot without looking like a psychopath.

Sunshine isn't the only thing entertaining these days; though the warmth is inviting and butterscotchy, I wouldn't recommend staring up at the sun for entertainment. One pair of burned out retinas later and I have learned my lesson.

I think my constant need for entertainment has leaked through my genes (even spelled that way "leaked through my genes" just sounds horrible, doesn't it, like some disgusting olestra-related accident?) I know many people have kids who don masks and run through the house loudly declaring "I'm Batman. I'm Batman." (They do, don't they?) My child takes off his mask, runs around the house yelling "I'm Bruce Wayne. I'm Bruce Wayne."

I try, sometimes too hard, to control my inner geek, but then, out she comes. She just cannot be contained. The women where I work were briefly discussing movies they had recently seen and I unchained myself from the medieval leg irons that generally bind me to my desk long enough to insert myself into the conversation. I really had just intended to listen, to soak up a bit of actual human interaction before immersing myself back into the 47 pounds of paperwork threatening to buckle my otherwise sturdy desk.

During a lull in the conversation, I opened my mouth and where I had meant to just nod and say "Yes, that it good" I actually said "My latest obsession is watching all of the episodes of Mystery Science Theater on DVD". Yep. In those words. The room grew quiet and I could feel the looks upon me. I know those looks; those looks usually precede restraining orders. But, bless J, who looked up at me and said "I remember that show. Very funny. I love the robots." Her validation was the only thing that prevented the remainder of my coworkers from turning on me with their pitchforks.

But, as the sun shines brightly in the sky and the days are longer and gorgeous, and the television season is, at last, over, it is time to pull my loved ones close and reflect on that which really matters more than silly tv time: movies.

This week's Movie Review of Movies You Have Already Seen or Never Plan to See is Office Space. One word: hilarious. I admit that I have seen the movie several times, but it never gets any less funny to me. I wish I could affect such a cavalier attitude toward work instead of being a stressed out knotted-up ball of neuroses, but, alas, have never been able to mutter those immortal words: "I don't like my job and I don't think I'm going to go anymore". There are many movies that I love, Office Space, but you hold a special place in my heart.

Song of the day: "A Girl Like You" from Pete Yorn. I have a thing for guys and guitars and I tend to listen to everything with my heart and not my head. As my husband says, that is a Kimbers song if I ever heard one. Just a very sweet little song that doesn't try to be more than it is and is all the more beautiful for that.

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