Thursday, April 5, 2007

Almost Parasite

Lately, my life revolves around naptime: taking naps, waking up from naps. The work day is an interruption between naps. I don't recall being quite this tired during my last pregnancy, but it was three years ago. Though I am nauseated pretty much all the time, it isn't as bad as it was last time, so maybe it is all balancing out. I am having more cravings, but I know that will pass also, cravings for foods that my body doesn't even need: hamburger and bread (though not together). I am trying to convince my body to crave broccoli or apples, but no. The baby wants hamburger. When I was pregnant with Jude, I would eat what I usually ate and he was like a very tiny hotel guest ordering food service. Sometimes he would keep the food and eat it, but more often than not, he would reject it, sending it back up. Sure, I know that isn't how it works, but I like the idea of a tiny hotel guest, hanging out, eating, enjoying the pool. Only two more weeks and the "embryo" officially becomes a "fetus." Go, fetus!
I am off of work today, as I was yesterday, but head back to work tomorrow. I've been able to catch up on my naps and watch movies, accomplishing nothing, but feeling very relaxed. Tonight we plan to color eggs for Easter. For the past three days, Jude has been dragging the coloring kit out of the kitchen cupboard, saying "I color" and I keep putting it back, letting him know that we will color on Thursday. Yesterday, he wasn't feeling good, but all he would say is "I sick" and "My head hurts." This morning, though, he was his usual self, full of energy. I offered to let him stay home with me, but he wanted to go to daycare because they are having an Easter party today. I dropped him off and instead of leaving right away, as I usually have to do, I stayed to watch him for a little while, watching him run around after the other kids, laughing and smiling, wondering how he will react to a little brother or sister of his own.

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