Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Best Work Day Ever

Last Thursday (well, by now the Thursday before last) was the best work day I have ever had. No one annoyed me with phone calls; in fact, no one bothered me at all because I took a personal day and stayed home with Jeff and Jude. Jude was out of daycare for the week, as daycare was closed for vacation and Jeff has more seniority with his company than I have with mine, so he took vacation to be at home. Though they came to visit me, it wasn't the same as being home with them and so, on Thursday, I took a day to be with them. Jude got a bit sick in the morning and threw up a couple of times (which is such a rare occurance with him -- he rarely gets sick). When I asked him what was wrong, he said "My tummy hurts." But, then he reached out and touched my hand and said "But I'm okay though." ("But I'm okay though" is a common phrase for him to use after one accident or another to let us know that the skinned knee or bruised hand isn't a life-threatening injury. In fact, such things rarely slow him down for more than 30 seconds or so.) He then said "I want my Pooh" and I handed him his security blanket, which he placed over his stomach like a magic salve. After being sick twice, though, he fell back asleep on my lap and was asking for breakfast when he awoke.
After breakfast and clean up, we headed out to the library, where we spent much of the day. Jude loves the library and our local branch is very kid-friendly. Jude and I played in the children's section while Jeff browsed. A little girl sat down at the table with us, playing, but not really talking. When Jeff came back, I left to browse (though I knew what I wanted to get) and the little girl (a six-year-old) latched herself on to Jude and Jeff for the rest of our visit. Wherever her mother was, I don't know, but she spent all of her time following around Jude and playing with him and trying to engage Jeff in conversation about Jude. (Jude is 2; he likes to talk to Jeff and me and his grandparents, but he is pretty shy around everyone else.) So we wandered the library and spent the day together. Jude picked out a movie (Thomas the Train) and I picked out two Dav Pilkey books for him. All in all, so much better than going in and sitting at my desk all day.

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