Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Mostly Odds, Some Ends

I don’t ever read my spam email, and I think the spammers know it, so they are sneakily attacking me at work via facsimile. Here is just a bit of the text of a fax I received last week: “Individuals in need of prescription drugs can now acquire them without a recommendation. This can be achieved by simply answering a set of questions in our website and our doctors will write a prescription that will suit your health needs.” Yeah. That sounds like a great idea. Nothing could possibly go wrong there.

I never really analyzed it before, but I just noticed that my dental floss has a statement on the bottom that says it is made of the same material that bullet-proof vests are made of. This strikes me as information I didn’t really need to know – though I am encouraged that if I ever get shot at while flossing, I should be okay.

Speaking of teeth, Sully is cutting his very first. He has such an adorable toothless grin now. It makes me a little sad to know it won’t last long. Still, a smile with teeth can be cute, too.

Jude has recently rediscovered The Wizard of Oz and has watched it many times this past week. He has made his dislike for the Wicked Witch of the West well known. During one viewing he asked “Mom, if the witch is a bad guy, why don’t the cops come get her?” That, I thought, was a good question.

Speaking of Jude, he has really mastered potty training since my last potty training blog. It is as though he suddenly just gets it. He’s done a very excellent job.

One and a half weeks left until my emancipation.

Pink Floyd had their "If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding." Tonight Jeff said to Jude "If you don't eat your chicken, you can't have any Pez." One of a dozen silly things parents invariably say without even seriously thinking about them.

Song of the day: Harvey Danger's "Carlotta Valdez." A totally underrated band and a very good album to sing along to in the car.

1 comment:

JC UNITED said...

Can I just say, in relation to nothing, that you truly are...

Love you Kimbers