Monday, June 30, 2008


So, finally I have made it to the "Trash" post: a counter-point to my "Treasure" post. Of course, I likely have forgotten half of what I was going to write about, but such is the nature of my blogging.

This post was inspired by my severe dislike of a couple of movies that I saw in the past few weeks. Over the course of a year, I see a few movies that I love, many that I like, several about which I feel ambivalent and/or completely forgotten and just a very few that I down-right loathe.

One movie that falls into the "loathe" category is "Superman Returns". If you are inclined to watch superhero movies, chances are that you have already watched or decided not to watch this particular piece of dour filmmaking. I don't think that there was a single thing that I actually liked about this film. I tried to pick something positive, but this was an absolutely unfun film. I can appreciate a serious drama, but, really, should Superman be such a serious drama? If the main cast members look as though they don't want to be in the movie, why would the audience feel any differently about watching the film?

As much as I disliked this film (I am trying to eradicate "hate" from my vocabulary, as I don't want my little ones using it), it was a gem compared to the steaming pile of yuck known as "The Last Kiss". Wow. I haven't disliked characters this much in a long time. And what a fun genre, one of those films with the message that all men are just immature babies and it is a woman's job to be mature and to drag the man kicking and screaming into adulthood. How fun. Basically what I got from this movie is that men can do whatever they wish while women should stand by and be infinitely patient and wise because eventually said men will grow up and realize that they want the dull, staid adulthood that the women already occupy. Did I mention that I didn't care too much for this film.

Speaking of things that I would like to toss onto a big pile of dung (not to be confused with Dung!), I got sucked into watching an episode of "The Moment of Truth". And now I feel really dirty. And not the good kind of dirty either.

Song of the day: "Ceremony" from New Order. No explanation, just a song that I like. Nothing trashy about it.

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