Sunday, February 18, 2007

Post Valentine's Day Thoughts

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day and that can only mean one thing: one month until the Ides of March, so you may want to plan your schedule accordingly. Oh, and there are thousands (millions even) of people with sweetness hangovers from the love-and-chocolate soaked Valentine’s Day. My Valentine’s Day was very low-key, but I got to spend the evening part of it with the ones I love (and the day part with the ones on the phone who annoy me), so it was a pretty typical day. Jeff came to my place of work to take me out to lunch and chauffeured me to and from work so that I wouldn’t be killed in an ugly vehicular homicide while driving out on the ice-and-snow-covered roads. And really, isn’t part of love just trying to keep your loved ones alive? Instead of analyzing the origins or chemistry of love, as a really sophisticated and smart blogger might do, I am instead going to talk about things I love right at this very moment.
In the morning, in the shower Jude likes to take the cap off of my shaving gel and put it on Jeff’s shampoo bottle. I don’t know what started this ritual, but now, Jude will smile at me and point to the cap and say “I leave this for Daddy.” This is such a strange, absurd little thing but I love it.
We have been married for five and a half years, but Jeff still opens my car door every time we get into the car. I know he thinks that I take it for granted now, but I really don’t. I still marvel at it. He is teaching Jude how to be a tiny gentleman. The two of them have their own little men’s club and though I sometimes feel excluded due to my gender, I try not to take it personally and I love that they love each other so much.
I love Buffy The Vampire Slayer, which I am watching on DVD (even though I saw all of the episodes in syndication). I am on season three and though I am careful to shield Jude from any scary monsters or excessive violence, I love that he will hand the DVD box to me and say “I want Buffy.” Then, we watch a few minutes together.
I love that Lost is finally back and that it is twisted and freaky. I have been following it since the beginning and I am still on the ride, prepared to see it through to the end. I love that it is weird and really twisted and that it just keeps getting more so.
I love this little blog, my tiny corner of the internet where I can post my thoughts in a vacuum and can retrieve them later.
Jeff and I did a Valentine's Day poll to one another: who is the hottest actor/actress currently on tv? It may sound odd for a married couple to have such discussions, but not to us. We had a big discussion and neither of us thought it was strange, just good conversation. The results: Jeff chose Kristen Bell (from Veronica Mars) and I chose Sendhil Ramamurthy (Mohinder Suresh from Hereos).
Jeff and I are currently watching Black Dahlia, so I will review that in my next blog.


Josh Hosler said...

I think you guys watch all the same TV shows we do! We did give up on "Veronica Mars," but we own all seven seasons of "Buffy" and are totally hooked on "Heroes."

We're going to have to start getting "Lost" from Netflix. We've totally missed out on this phenomenon.

Oh, and my vote for hottest goes to Alyson Hannigan. Christy's vote would probably go to James Marsters.

Kimberly said...

Ah, Alyson Hannigan and James Marsters are also two very good choices.