I don't much like reality tv. Really I don't need to spend time watching people make fools of themselves for their fifteen minutes. I get enough of that in my own reality. Unfortunately, most of the foolishness is my own. I am about as technologically behind as a human can be without actually living in a hut with no electricity. Just two weeks ago, I got my very first cell phone. I realize that even first graders now have cell phones, but I never had one. It wasn't something I was likely to ever get for myself, but my dad got a new phone, so he passed his old phone along to me. He helped me set up an account and I actually got a phone number and everything. A few days later, I grabbed the phone and Jude and planned to call my mom so she would have the number. Jude and I started dusting off DVDs and shelves in the basement and I forgot about calling mom. Then, I threw Jude's laundry into the dryer and noticed an odd thumping noise. Yep. I had washed my new cell phone. Apparently that isn't good for electronics. So, my new/old cell phone was destined for the trash heap.
Yes, I am a dork. Last Friday, I spent my lunch time in my car, as I usually do, with the windows down and sun roof open, reading a book and enjoying the sunshine. Mid-afternoon, a couple hours after lunch, we had a much-needed, very strong rainstorm. Heavy, heavy rains. I am sure you can see where I am going with this. Yes, at the end of the day, I went out to my car and found it flooded. Literally. When I opened the door, water came out. I wish I was exaggerating. The seats and floors were soaked and I got to drive home that way. It was a refreshing ride.
On Saturday, my inner dork truly had a chance to shine. We had Jude's birthday party at our local Chuck E. Cheese. Pizza plus games plus a giant rodent equals one good time for all. I had been afraid that the adults would be bored, but that didn't seem to be the case at all. Jude's grandparents chased him around, took pictures and generally hogged some of the games. Needless to say, Jude loved it and had a great time. And I was very happy that he was able to have such a fun time, and I was struck again by how much Jude is loved -- and not just by Jeff and me.I fully expected Jude to be suffering a Chuck E. Cheese hangover on Sunday, but that was not the case. I was greeted early Sunday morning by "I want to play Play Doh. Let's go." He rolled off of his bed and out of his door as soon as I came into his room. But, he stopped in the hallway and said "Please." The whole weekend made me smile and made me realize that even though I get a lot of things wrong, there are still a few things that I can manage to do right.