Thursday, February 28, 2008

Caution: More Poetry

So, the eighteenth (18th) month of winter has nearly ended and I have somewhat vague hopes that after 20 or so more weeks, spring might actually arrive. I have been enduring the bitter cold, icy road conditions and inhumane lack of sunlight by gorging myself on comedy television programs, spending time with my small children and complaining (not necessarily in that order). Oh, yes, and writing. I have been working on the book. The beginning: done. The end: done. I am one chapter in the middle away from completion and hope to close the book (ha ha) on the first draft by Sunday or Monday (depending on how much sleep I need).

I rediscovered Mystery Science Theater 3000 on video/DVD. What an out-there, hilarious show. Love it. Yes, I was geek enough to watch it on Comedy Central many years ago and geek enough to be excited when it moved over to Sci Fi. It is family-friendly fare; Jude digs the cool robots and Sully is a great listener to my Joel/Mike debate. I may as well just change Barefoot Adult to Geeky Barefoot Adult and be done with it.

And now, without further ado, the week's poetry:

Bad Day

It is Tuesday
and the trash bin
under my desk
at work
(just emptied Saturday)
is already
more than half full

Untitled poem for Jude:

Discussing school and
the future,
I discovered
your intended vocation
of becoming a pirate
I don't know
what kind of degree that requires
but we can research together
until then, though
lots of fresh juice
and Flintstone vitamins
to ward off scurvy

And, finally, a haiku not for Jude, but by Jude. It was presented to me as a stream-of-consciousness sentence. I love the way his mind works. And, for you purists, it is not strict syllable-count haiku, but he is 3.

I'm farting in your car.
Mom, I like the pink sky.
I love you Mommy.

And that is just some beautiful poetry.

Song of the Day: "Falling Slowly" (I think that's the title) from the movie Once. Beautiful song, beautiful movie and even those stuffy Academy Award people liked it.

1 comment:

R.J. Keller said...

Love the poetry. Keep it coming.

Jude's got a lot of talent. I think you've got a pirate poet on your hands.

"Once" is an amazing movie, and I love that song.

P.S. Happy birthday! (a day late...)