Wednesday, April 2, 2008

What Do You Have to Say For Yourself?

Well, it turns out that I have a lot to say, only not so much time to say it. I am at least four blogs behind, according to the mental list I keep in my noggin. Every time something happens, I intend to blog, but always get busy with something else. And really when faced with the choice between lying on the floor and playing with a smiling baby or blogging, there really isn't a choice at all. Baby wins every time. I have tried to be uber-mama and blog while holding baby, but that just isn't possible. I get too distracted and Sully can push the keys -- though he gets frustrated when he realizes that he can't get them into his mouth.

So, there is no way to fit four (that's four) blogs into one, so I will just hit some highlights.

First, there was the awful night Jude couldn't stop throwing up and my father-in-law and I took Jude to the emergency room since it was one of the two nights a year that Jeff has to work overnight. After waiting for four hours just to be seen, the doctor waltzed in, spent three minutes examining my poor dehydrated son, then gave him a pill that made him feel better within about five minutes. I was beyond angry thinking that Jude had been suffering needlessly for four hours when the doctor could have spared three minutes much earlier. Did I mention that I had been crying about the state of healthcare in the US just weeks earlier? There is a huge difference between being saddened by a documentary and seeing the sorry state of an emergency room in person, Jude's pale face and his eyes wide and sad, his voice so small and pleading "Mom, please don't leave me." His small body getting sick again and again while we are being ignored by nurses and doctors alike. The fact that there were only two doctors on duty at this large hospital's er. Enough of that. I am just getting myself angry all over again. The important thing is that Jude is feeling much better now, back to his usual hyper self.

Then, there was to be the new blog ("Some Like It Hot", as I have mentally referred to it) regarding our pursuit of someone to fix our water heater, as the pilot light would not stay lit. Last Sunday, we ended up just buying a new one and having it installed that day. It felt like a luxury to be able to use hot water again.

I have mentally blogged about my job, as well, and about the fact that I have made a new friend at work and not like a work friend, but a real, live actual friend-friend with whom I can talk about things that have nothing to do with work. She is smart and very funny and I am just geeked to have someone to talk to who doesn't get a really scared look on her face every time I talk. I had forgotten the importance of work friends. The other women I work with are very nice as well, but J and I just bonded. It has been very cool (don't I sound a bit like I am sixteen years old again? I can't help it!).

And, naturally, I have mentally blogged about my babies. Beautiful babies.

I used to think it was sheer narcissism that led people to talk incessantly about their children, but I know now that it is something much deeper than that. (More on that in my next blog -- I promise.) Also on the blog-agenda: a bit about the phrase "the worst thing I could imagine". I want to blog about a lot of different things. I think I will get to them all in time.

Now I am tired and my bed is calling. Tomorrow will be a very busy day, but I will blog again soon (and hopefully more coherently). I have visited my Facebook site only a handful of times, as I like this format better. I just don't know when I will have the time to write. Babies and friends and the seduction of a hot bath are all keeping me busy.

1 comment:

R.J. Keller said...

I'm glad your boy is doing better. And you're right...E.R.'s totally suck. I once had an E.R. doc tell me that I wasn't having an asthma attack...while I was in the middle of having an asthma attack. He finally believed me after I passed out.