Monday, June 16, 2008


Last weekend, we had a garage sale (though, I think, technically, it would have to be considered a driveway sale). It was my first and an altogether interesting experience, laying out our belongings in the hopes that someone who needs these very items will happen along our sale. It was a positive experience and I will definitely be doing it again.

The biggest net of the day, however, came when I was looking through boxes in the basement. I opened a picnic basket (one of two that we own) and inside found not one but two lost treasures: a skirt and some CDs. When we moved almost 6 years ago, I thought I had lost my favorite skirt. It is a multi-color wonder, a skirt I purchased for $3.00 at a Goodwill store several years ago for a Jimmy Buffett concert. It is the most colorful skirt I own and I was so bummed when I couldn't find it after we moved. The CDs were a box set of Harry Chapin, the very music I had been listening to when I moved, so one of the CDs was in my car and, after a year, I misplaced that CD since I had already misplaced the case. It was a rare look into me of 6 years ago.

I came across another treasure over the weekend that I just had to share. I don't often recommend movies because well, I don't see many movies worth recommending, but any movie that makes me feel genuine affection for Steven Segal is a worthwhile movie in my humble opinion (the only opinion currently featured on this blog). I would highly recommed The Onion Movie. If you watch the film expecting supreme silliness, you will not be disappointed. Unless you will be. I can never gauge anyone else's sense of humor. There is such a crazy variety of things that make me laugh, but I never know if someone else will enjoy the same lunacy.

This week's movie review of a Movie You've Already Seen and Don't Plan to See: Dead Ringers. What a freaky little experience. Excellent performance by Jeremy Irons and a wonderful look into madness. Not a fun movie per se (unless your idea of fun is freaky twin gynecologists, in which case you should definitely call me so we can talk), but definitely a good one.

So, this week was a celebration of treasures, of skirts and CDs found, of trying (and mostly failing, but still trying) to push out negative thoughts and focus on more positive thoughts. (Oh new glorious job, you are out there somewhere. Just let me know where and it would be so much easier to find you.)

Song of the day (well, song of the week since this post has taken me about a week to finish): Harry Chapin's "Taxi". It is my favorite song of his, just a wonderful example of a "story/song" and one of my favorite song endings ever. Love it and love him. To completely veer off the topic of this week's blog, it occurs to me that if I were a princess (a big if), I don't think I would fall for a prince. The minstrels and court jesters have always been the ones to capture my heart (and anyone who can sing and be funny -- and yes, Jeff, I mean you -- well, how could a silly ol' prince ever compete with that).


JC UNITED said...

I'm glad you found them. Thought they were lost forever.

And don't forget, if you ever need a song about breaking grandma's neck or obscene flatulence, you know who to call.


R.J. Keller said...

That's the coolest skirt ever.

I love shopping at Goodwill. It's such a feeling of victory to bring home a bag of clothing and know I haven't paid more than $4.99 for anything inside.